『關懷』是本協會的力量,能連結起全球的華人婦女,引起愛惜乳房的自我意識。希望在新的一年開始,我們能一方面檢討過去的缺陷,一方面也認識自己的力量,既不自傲,也不自餒,以工作表現團體的精神,以團體發展工作。同時,也希望各位會員能齊力協助,宣揚『I Pledge 我保乳 保生命 保尊嚴』以及定期乳房健康管理的理念。
感謝各位會員的支持 祝福各位新年快樂
2009年1月20日 星期二
2009年1月4日 星期日
星期日, 1月 04, 2009
日前本協會理事長黃柏榮醫師協同協會理事何淑圭女士,前往交通大學醫學院附屬上海瑞金醫院進行交流及演講。瑞金醫院向協會理事長表示,未來三年內將應用多學科合作的綜合醫療技術優勢,針對中國百萬婦女進行緻密性乳房資料庫的建置計畫,並希望能由位在台北醫學大學附設醫院的乳房健康管理中心,結合美國 AURORA乳房專用螺旋磁振造影掃描儀的最新技術,提供屬於台灣婦女的乳房資料,以整合並完整百萬婦女資料庫計畫。

何淑圭女士將此訊息帶回台灣後,北醫附醫 吳志雄院長對成立此國際型交流平台表示全力支持,並認為台灣所擁有乳房相關醫療資源相當豐富,足以做為中國未來建置乳腺病中心的最佳參考。
為結合台北醫學大學及其附設醫院的研究資源,本協會特邀北醫附醫 吳志雄院長及具有國際醫療背景的彭汪嘉康 院士分別擔任協會榮譽理事長及榮譽顧問,共同提升台灣乳腺健康之水平。
日前本協會理事長黃柏榮醫師協同協會理事何淑圭女士,前往交通大學醫學院附屬上海瑞金醫院進行交流及演講。瑞金醫院向協會理事長表示,未來三年內將應用多學科合作的綜合醫療技術優勢,針對中國百萬婦女進行緻密性乳房資料庫的建置計畫,並希望能由位在台北醫學大學附設醫院的乳房健康管理中心,結合美國 AURORA乳房專用螺旋磁振造影掃描儀的最新技術,提供屬於台灣婦女的乳房資料,以整合並完整百萬婦女資料庫計畫。

何淑圭女士將此訊息帶回台灣後,北醫附醫 吳志雄院長對成立此國際型交流平台表示全力支持,並認為台灣所擁有乳房相關醫療資源相當豐富,足以做為中國未來建置乳腺病中心的最佳參考。
為結合台北醫學大學及其附設醫院的研究資源,本協會特邀北醫附醫 吳志雄院長及具有國際醫療背景的彭汪嘉康 院士分別擔任協會榮譽理事長及榮譽顧問,共同提升台灣乳腺健康之水平。
2009年1月3日 星期六
乳房健康知識, 基因
星期六, 1月 03, 2009
Risk Factors for Breast Cancer 乳癌的高危險因子
Sex 性別
The overwhelming majority of breast cancers occur in women. It does also occur in men.The ratio from woman to man is 135:1.
As a woman gets older her risk of breast cancer increases. For example, at age 30, 1 in 2200 women develop breast cancer but at age 80 approximately 1 in 10 develop breast cancer.
Caucasian women have the highest incidence of breast cancer.
Personal History of Breast or Ovarian Cancer 個人乳癌或卵巢癌病史
Women who have had a breast cancer in one breast have a higher risk of developing another breast cancer; either within the same breast or in the other. Women who have had ovarian cancer are also at a higher risk of developing breast cancer.
Breast Hyperplasia 乳腺增生
Women who have had a breast biopsy with atypical hyperplasia (ductal or lobular), lobular carcinoma in situ, or cellular atypia also have an elevated risk for the development of breast cancer.
Family History 家族病史
Having a strong family history of breast cancer (either maternal or paternal) increases a woman's risk status.
Breast Density 乳房緻密度
Breast density tends to decrease as a woman ages. As she gets older the dense ducts and lobules (glandular tissue) get replaced by fatty tissue. High breast density, especially post-menopausally, is a risk factor for breast cancer.
Hormones 赫爾蒙
The longer the breasts have been exposed to hormones, the higher the risk for developing breast cancer. Therefore, women who started menstruating before the age of 12 and stopped menstruating after 55 are at greater risk.
Child-Birth 生育史
Not having children or having a first child over 30 also increases a woman's risk. Breast-feeding has been shown to reduce breast cancer risk.
Radiation Exposure 輻射線影響
Prior radiation to the chest area, especially during the period between puberty and 30 years of age, increases the risk of breast cancer.
Alcohol Use 酗酒
Studies suggest that greater than 2 drinks a day increases breast cancer risk.
Hereditary Breast Cancer遺傳性乳癌
5-10% of all the breast cancers we see are likely due to an inherited mutation. BRCA 1 and BRCA 2 are two genes everyone has. Certain people are born with a mutation of one of these genes and this mutation significantly increases their likelihood of developing breast and ovarian cancer. Some red flags in a person's personal or family history that would make us concerned about a genetic mutation are:
約有5-10%的乳癌和遺傳的基因突變有關,每個人的體內都有BRCA 1和BRCA 2這兩種基因,但有些人卻遺傳到BRCA 1和BRCA 2的突變基因,增加了罹患乳癌和卵巢癌的機率。在個人病史及家族史中值得注意的基因突變警訊如下:
*Breast cancer before the age of 50 曾在50歲之前罹患乳癌
*Ovarian cancer at any age 在任何年齡罹患卵巢癌
*Male breast cancer 男性乳癌
*Bilateral breast cancer 對側性乳癌
*Both breast and ovarian cancer 雙邊乳房和卵巢曾罹患過癌症
*Relative with a BRCA 1 and BRCA 2 Mutation 遺傳BRCA 1和BRCA 2的突變基因
Sex 性別
The overwhelming majority of breast cancers occur in women. It does also occur in men.The ratio from woman to man is 135:1.
As a woman gets older her risk of breast cancer increases. For example, at age 30, 1 in 2200 women develop breast cancer but at age 80 approximately 1 in 10 develop breast cancer.
Caucasian women have the highest incidence of breast cancer.
Personal History of Breast or Ovarian Cancer 個人乳癌或卵巢癌病史
Women who have had a breast cancer in one breast have a higher risk of developing another breast cancer; either within the same breast or in the other. Women who have had ovarian cancer are also at a higher risk of developing breast cancer.
Breast Hyperplasia 乳腺增生
Women who have had a breast biopsy with atypical hyperplasia (ductal or lobular), lobular carcinoma in situ, or cellular atypia also have an elevated risk for the development of breast cancer.
Family History 家族病史
Having a strong family history of breast cancer (either maternal or paternal) increases a woman's risk status.
Breast Density 乳房緻密度
Breast density tends to decrease as a woman ages. As she gets older the dense ducts and lobules (glandular tissue) get replaced by fatty tissue. High breast density, especially post-menopausally, is a risk factor for breast cancer.
Hormones 赫爾蒙
The longer the breasts have been exposed to hormones, the higher the risk for developing breast cancer. Therefore, women who started menstruating before the age of 12 and stopped menstruating after 55 are at greater risk.
Child-Birth 生育史
Not having children or having a first child over 30 also increases a woman's risk. Breast-feeding has been shown to reduce breast cancer risk.
Radiation Exposure 輻射線影響
Prior radiation to the chest area, especially during the period between puberty and 30 years of age, increases the risk of breast cancer.
Alcohol Use 酗酒
Studies suggest that greater than 2 drinks a day increases breast cancer risk.
Hereditary Breast Cancer遺傳性乳癌
5-10% of all the breast cancers we see are likely due to an inherited mutation. BRCA 1 and BRCA 2 are two genes everyone has. Certain people are born with a mutation of one of these genes and this mutation significantly increases their likelihood of developing breast and ovarian cancer. Some red flags in a person's personal or family history that would make us concerned about a genetic mutation are:
約有5-10%的乳癌和遺傳的基因突變有關,每個人的體內都有BRCA 1和BRCA 2這兩種基因,但有些人卻遺傳到BRCA 1和BRCA 2的突變基因,增加了罹患乳癌和卵巢癌的機率。在個人病史及家族史中值得注意的基因突變警訊如下:
*Breast cancer before the age of 50 曾在50歲之前罹患乳癌
*Ovarian cancer at any age 在任何年齡罹患卵巢癌
*Male breast cancer 男性乳癌
*Bilateral breast cancer 對側性乳癌
*Both breast and ovarian cancer 雙邊乳房和卵巢曾罹患過癌症
*Relative with a BRCA 1 and BRCA 2 Mutation 遺傳BRCA 1和BRCA 2的突變基因
乳房健康知識, 乳房磁振造影, 新聞, BREAST MRI
星期六, 1月 03, 2009
Breast cancer risk reduction can be managed in four different categories:
*Increased Surveillance
*Lifestyle Modifications
*Preventative Surgery.
Some women who are found to be high risk may choose to have closer surveillance. Traditionally for average risk women guidelines for surveillance are:
*Monthly Self Breast Exam starting at age 18.
*Clinical Breast Exam semiannually starting at age 25.
*Annual mammograms at age 40 or 5-10 years younger than any 1st degree relative.
* American Cancer Society Guidelines for Breast Screening with MRI as an Adjunct to Mammography
New guidelines for very high risk women or women with a known genetic mutation are :
*Monthly Breast Self Exam starting at age 18
*Clinical Breast Exam semiannually starting at age 25.
*Annual mammograms alternating with breast MRI starting at the age of 25.
Breast Health High Risk Breast Clinic can help develop a personalized surveillance program for you based on your risk factors for breast cancer.
For extremely high risk women and women with known genetic mutations there are guidelines for increased ovarian survelillance. They are:
*Concurrent transvaginal ultrasound and CA-125 (blood test) every 6 months starting at age 35 or 5-10 years earlier than the earliest age of first diagnosis of ovarian cancer in the family.
Lifestyle Modifications 改善生活習慣
Diet: Some research suggests that diets low in fats may decrease your risk of breast cancer. We recommend avoiding diets high in saturated or hydrogenated fats such as peanut and vegetable oil and instead using fats such as canola or olive oil. We also recommend a diet rich in fresh fruits and vegetables which add cancer fighting anti-oxidants.
Weight: Some research suggests that postmenopausal obesity is a risk factor for breast cancer. Maintaing a healthy weight and exercising regularly may reduce your risk of breast cancer and improve your general health.
Alcohol: Consuming more than 2 drinks of alcohol a day does increase the risk of breast cancer. Recent data suggests that dietary folate can counteract the effect of alcohol.
Chemoprevention 化學治療
Tamoxifen: Tamoxifen is a drug that is approved for breast cancer reduction in high risk women. It is a selective estrogen receptor modulator, this means it works by blocking the effects of estrogen in breast tissue, which can be a stimulant for breast cancer cell growth. It has been shown to reduce breast cancer risk by 50%.
Oral Contraceptives: Oral contraceptives may reduce the risk of ovarian cancer in women with BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutations by as much as 54%.
Preventative Surgery 預防性手術
Preventative Mastectomy: Preventative Mastectomy is the removal of both breasts. Preventative Mastectomy significantly reduces the risk of breast cancer to the high 90% range.
Preventative Oophorectomy: Preventatice Oopherectomy is the removal of the ovaries for risk reduction. This procedure significantly reduces the risk of ovarian cancer by as much as 96% and the risk of breast cancer by as much as 53%.
For more information about ways you can reduce your risk call the High Risk Breast Clinic。
*Increased Surveillance
*Lifestyle Modifications
*Preventative Surgery.
Some women who are found to be high risk may choose to have closer surveillance. Traditionally for average risk women guidelines for surveillance are:
*Monthly Self Breast Exam starting at age 18.
*Clinical Breast Exam semiannually starting at age 25.
*Annual mammograms at age 40 or 5-10 years younger than any 1st degree relative.
* American Cancer Society Guidelines for Breast Screening with MRI as an Adjunct to Mammography
New guidelines for very high risk women or women with a known genetic mutation are :
*Monthly Breast Self Exam starting at age 18
*Clinical Breast Exam semiannually starting at age 25.
*Annual mammograms alternating with breast MRI starting at the age of 25.
Breast Health High Risk Breast Clinic can help develop a personalized surveillance program for you based on your risk factors for breast cancer.
For extremely high risk women and women with known genetic mutations there are guidelines for increased ovarian survelillance. They are:
*Concurrent transvaginal ultrasound and CA-125 (blood test) every 6 months starting at age 35 or 5-10 years earlier than the earliest age of first diagnosis of ovarian cancer in the family.
Lifestyle Modifications 改善生活習慣
Diet: Some research suggests that diets low in fats may decrease your risk of breast cancer. We recommend avoiding diets high in saturated or hydrogenated fats such as peanut and vegetable oil and instead using fats such as canola or olive oil. We also recommend a diet rich in fresh fruits and vegetables which add cancer fighting anti-oxidants.
Weight: Some research suggests that postmenopausal obesity is a risk factor for breast cancer. Maintaing a healthy weight and exercising regularly may reduce your risk of breast cancer and improve your general health.
Alcohol: Consuming more than 2 drinks of alcohol a day does increase the risk of breast cancer. Recent data suggests that dietary folate can counteract the effect of alcohol.
Chemoprevention 化學治療
Tamoxifen: Tamoxifen is a drug that is approved for breast cancer reduction in high risk women. It is a selective estrogen receptor modulator, this means it works by blocking the effects of estrogen in breast tissue, which can be a stimulant for breast cancer cell growth. It has been shown to reduce breast cancer risk by 50%.
Oral Contraceptives: Oral contraceptives may reduce the risk of ovarian cancer in women with BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutations by as much as 54%.
Preventative Surgery 預防性手術
Preventative Mastectomy: Preventative Mastectomy is the removal of both breasts. Preventative Mastectomy significantly reduces the risk of breast cancer to the high 90% range.
Preventative Oophorectomy: Preventatice Oopherectomy is the removal of the ovaries for risk reduction. This procedure significantly reduces the risk of ovarian cancer by as much as 96% and the risk of breast cancer by as much as 53%.
For more information about ways you can reduce your risk call the High Risk Breast Clinic。
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